rentetan perjalanan dr zaman wat master.kini tempat membina keyakinan n mencari aura positif..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the circle of life

i cant say much...
I just hope that these bad people will learn their lesson n dibalas lebih hebat for what they have done to me.but, i just can sigh as i realize yg semua ini salah aku....
i am tired...
tired of being condemned 24/7..
do they think? berpikir pakai otak la...bukan pakai lutut!!!
pls think la wahai org hebat....
do you think i was enjoying myself when i was being asked sejuta kali about my past?
about my be precise... .about my master?
come on..i already moved on...
we are talking about a new chapter or phase in my life..
why on earth you keep bringing up the matter?
I learnt my lesson....
You should advise..not condemn ...coz none of your words is helping meeeee..
kata org kalo diam itu tak bermakna kalahhhhh..n yg bising itu yg menang..
I'm done with keeping my mouth shut hanya krn respects to senior....
I'm not doing things to impress you, or your your sake, reputation or what..
I'm doing and fighting for my future....
finish up what i have already started...yapppp..the path which i thought the best path 6 years agoo....

never again you will talk about my pastttttt.....
kerana pada masa itu, kala aku paling terasa akulah manusia yg paling teraniaya...
mungkin pada masa itu aku akan berdoa pada Allah agar berilah sehebat-hebat pengajaran pada mereka yg tega mengutuk aku...
kerana selama ini aku hanya berdia supaya Allah memberi aku kekuatan utk berperang dalam perjuangan ini....