rentetan perjalanan dr zaman wat master.kini tempat membina keyakinan n mencari aura positif..

Monday, January 21, 2008

to express myself n my thoughts

i've been browsing others blogs, fotoblogs etc..
it kind of hit me right to the head..
i have been in my world..
i didnt realize that other already shifted ..paradigm shift etc..
i mean
look at me..
it has been neraly 10 years that i left the formal english education..
just imagine the frozen mind n tougue..
that explained the low self confident that i had during the ielts class
but, hey, i scored the second or ranked the top highest in that class last sept 07..
tell me not to be that arrogant..i alwitz have to bear that in mind....keep improving, i must!!

i just hope that this anak itik comot will finilly be anakitik cerdik..

i'm new here..

hey, now i finally had the chance to express myself....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

just to be me, myself

i'm taking this opportusnity to express myself, my emotions, my feelings, n my point of views...
actually, it is more on myself seeking for a space to polish my english...
let me begin with Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...